Hey y’all! So I have been absolutely awful at keeping this up to date, but let me just tell you… SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED in the past few months that I have been MIA. I’m going to try to keep it short and simple, but I’m making no promises.
- Europe was AMAZING! I could go on and on about it considering I was there for 2 1/2 weeks. (If you would like to hear more about my northern European cruise aboard the Disney Magic, let me know in the comments!)
- I started college!! I am currently a second semester freshman at Southeaster University. I changed my major like 3 times, but have decided to pursue a degree in social work and a minor in missions and evangelism.
I am a part of the dance ministry here at SEU and I love it so much.
We have 2 teams, hip hop and contemporary, and I am a member of both. My team is like a family away from home. I honestly don’t think I could have made it through my first semester of college without these wonderful people by my side(: (Let me know if you want to hear more about my college experiences so far, because I’m trying to keep this short lol)- I rededicated my life to Christ! During my school’s annual conference (SEU Conf), I felt the nudge to rededicate myself, so I did. February 13, 2019 I got rebaptized and my life has changed so much for th
e better. (If you are interested in hearing more about my faith and how accepting Jesus has changed my entire life, let me know!!)
- I AM VEGAN!! At the start of 2019, I decided to make the switch to vegetarianism. Giving up my favorite food, chicken, was tough, but I made it work. Starting March 1, I pushed even further and started eating vegan! It has definitely been a challenge and it’s only been 5 days. My roommate also made the switch with me and several of my friends are vegan so I’m not on this journey alone. (Once again, if you want to know more about my vegan journey, leave a comment!)
I think those are the major updates right now. If there is anything specific you’d like to hear more about, don’t hesitate to leave a comment! I love hearing from you guys!
<3 Love you Lizzie<3 So glad you chose to rededicate your life to Christ! God is going to use you in so many ways, especially I believe with children. You have such a big heart for kids and I am always so inspired by it<3