I never thought I would experience a global pandemic in my lifetime, yet here we are. Coronavirus has impacted everyone around the world in some sort of way. For me, personally, there are many ways I have been effected by COVID-19. So here are the reasons why I hate Coronavirus.

Zoom University

Going from regular in person classes to remote learning has been such a difficult thing to adapt to. It is different from online classes as well in such that I still had to “attend” classes via videochat. In addition to students having no idea what we were doing, the professors who were teaching these classes also had no clue how to teach their courses remotely. One of my professors had never had us use our laptops for any assignments, so it was definitely a learning curve for all of us.

Disney closed.

I think it goes without saying that the fact that Disney World closed has taken a toll on me. Disney is my happy place, my therapy, my much needed study break during finals. Not being able to go to Disney has been really depressing. I used to go to the parks at least once a week, and now it has been almost 2 months.

Thankfully, there are so many videos online to watch to feel as though you are actually in the parks. I have been RELIGIOUSLY watching Happily Ever After and the Frozen Singalong.

In addition to this affecting me personally, I had family that had a vacation scheduled for during the temporary closures. I was so excited for them to be able to experience the magic of Disney World and couldn’t wait to hear their stories. At least they have been able to reschedule their trip for next year.

Dance Showcase cancelled.

My dance team, RDG, had been planning for our spring showcase for 3 months. I had just finished teaching my choreography to my team before it got cancelled. My piece was to the song “That Would Be Enough” by Alicia Keys from the Hamilton Mixtapes, and was meant to show that we are enough for society even when we don’t feel like it.

Our showcase is not rescheduled for a later date, just straight up cancelled. I have no idea if or when my piece that I poured my heart and soul into choreographing will ever see a stage.

Being separated from friends and family.

I just flew back to my hometown for the summer, but I still can’t see my extended family that I have missed SO much. I want to just be able to hug my grandparents, hang out with my little cousins, and watch movies with my aunt and uncle.

Beaches/Pools closed.

Life in Florida during March and April means I would generally spend a lot of time at the beach and pool. The weather has been BEAUTIFUL and all I wanted to do was lay out and enjoy the sun and water. The beaches and pools being closed sucks because I can’t take advantage of the beautiful weather and God’s creation that I love exploring so much.

I understand that these things are small and first-world problems, but to me these are things I value greatly. Dance, Disney, and my friends and family are my life. These changes have taken an extreme toll on my mental health and I can’t wait for life to go back to “normal”.

I hope everyone reading this is safe and healthy and that you are finding ways to enjoy your time in quarantine. If you need ideas of things to do to keep you busy, check out my 7 Things to Keep You Busy in Quarantine.

Thank you for reading! If you want more content like this, let me know in the comments down below!

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